Personal Injury Claims: 3 Essential Questions Your Lawyer Will Ask Before Taking Over Your Vehicle Collision Case


There are several ways of getting justice after a collision. The most effective one is filing a claim against the wrongdoer. A successful claim will enable you to get compensation for your damaged vehicle, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages like loss of consortium.

However, each case is different, and the amount of money you will get for your damages will depend on how well you can prove your claim. That makes it important to engage a lawyer in the case proceedings. That said, they will ask you the following essential questions before taking over your personal injury claim.

Did You Obtain a Copy of The Police Report? 

Your lawyer will want to build a strong case to ensure that you get reasonable compensation. Because of that, they will ask you for a copy of the police report. Usually, the police write down a report immediately after a road incident. It shows the happenings of the accident and the possible culprit.

In addition to helping your lawyer understand the accident, the police report informs then whether you've been implicated in the car crash. If so, they will get a team of investigators to investigate the accident and provide an independent report. Your personal injury attorney will then present the findings of their investigation alongside the police report in the court. 

Did You Get a Medical Examination? 

The judge will consider the severity of your accident injuries when deciding the right payment to award you in your claim. For this reason, it is highly recommended to get a medical examination immediately after the accident. It will enable you to have a detailed report of your health condition. That includes an observation of whether you're in danger of developing other complications in the future. In addition, the report will enable your lawyer to know the amount of money to request, considering that you may require additional medical services later. 

Did You Sustain Injuries Before the Accident?

Pre-existing injuries can complicate your case in one way or another. For instance, the insurer can claim that your wounds are not accident-related. As a result, you may receive underserving compensation. The court can also reject your claim if you don't provide sufficient evidence. So, in this case, your personal injury lawyer will order a comprehensive medical examination to link your wounds to the accident. 

It is best to hire a car accident lawyer immediately after the accident. They will ask you the questions above and more to prepare a strong case. Therefore, do not hold back any crucial information as it can profoundly boost your claim.


16 March 2022

Getting Legal Help When You Need It Most

I have never been someone who likes the idea of suing another person, but after my family was plowed into by a drunk driver with no regard for the law, my tune changed. I realized that I needed to do what I could in order to make things right, so I started looking for a lawyer who could help me to fight for the settlement I deserved. It took a few months in court, but by the time I won my settlement, I felt a lot better about things. This blog is all about getting the legal help you need when you need it the most.