Poor Visibility Is One Of The Most Common Causes Of A Bicycle Accident


One of the most common causes of a bicycle accident is low visibility. When you are riding a bicycle, it's a good idea to wear clothing that makes it easier for motorists to see you. For example, wearing highly reflective clothing will make it easier for motorists to avoid hitting you. However, if a driver is exhausted while driving late at night, they might still strike you and cause serious injuries. 

Bicycle Accidents Under Low Visibility Conditions

Visibility is most important at night and when crossing a road where motorists travel at a relatively high speed. This is because it's difficult to see a bicycle at a distance, and a motorist might need more time to slow down when they spot you. Retro-reflective clothing is the best option for making yourself more visible at night.

 A driver is also less likely to see a cyclist if they are in their blind spot. Bicycles are smaller, and cyclists might be in the blind spot longer.


If you are hit by a car while riding your bike, the motorist might try to blame you for the accident by claiming that you came out of nowhere. However, if you prove that the motorist was negligent, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Types of Injuries

There are many forms of compensation you might be entitled to after a car accident. When hit by a car, you might suffer from bruises, cuts, knee, leg, and foot fractures, dental or facial injuries, and concussions. Even if you fall off your bike and don't believe you're severely injured, it's essential to head to the hospital to verify that your injuries are not more severe than you might think.

Motorists are expected to show a duty of care when operating a motor vehicle. They are also supposed to yield to cyclists and pedestrians. However, the motorist might argue that you were the cause of the accident because you were difficult to see, and you will need to gather evidence to prove otherwise.

Ask a Bicycle Accident Attorney for Help

The best way to prove that the motorist was negligent is to hire a bicycle accident attorney. They will locate and interview witnesses and obtain video and photographic evidence of the accident scene, such as the debris left behind.

Another piece of evidence that can be very helpful is your bicycle. The damage done to your bike can help calculate how fast the motorist was going and whether they hit the brakes before striking you.

Contact a legal service such as Richard Blundell Law Office to learn more.


3 April 2023

Getting Legal Help When You Need It Most

I have never been someone who likes the idea of suing another person, but after my family was plowed into by a drunk driver with no regard for the law, my tune changed. I realized that I needed to do what I could in order to make things right, so I started looking for a lawyer who could help me to fight for the settlement I deserved. It took a few months in court, but by the time I won my settlement, I felt a lot better about things. This blog is all about getting the legal help you need when you need it the most.