
What Should You Be Doing After An Auto Accident?


Pain after an auto accident is just one of the things you may be dealing with as you wait for your claim to be resolved. You might wonder if waiting is the only thing you can do; if you're up to it, you should also consider the following actions to strengthen your case. Seeing a Doctor Cuts or scrapes on your arms or legs can hurt, but you might not think they are so terrible that a doctor needs to look at them.

7 April 2017

Tips for Dealing With Drunken and Violent Patrons When Bouncing at a Nightclub


One of the perils of being a bouncer at a nightclub is that you will sometimes have to deal with drunken, belligerent, or violent patrons. The job is not just checking id's and telling people to get off tables. Sometimes you are going to have to ask people to leave the club, and sometimes those people will refuse. That's where the potential for violence comes in. So, if you're working as a bouncer, it's important to know what to to in those situations.

4 April 2017

Don't Make These Personal Injury Case Mistakes


Being expected to deal with a lawsuit while suffering from the after-effects of a car wreck can really create a stressful situation. You know you need to focus on getting your life back to "normal" and you often feel overwhelmed and confused. While getting better is vital, it's also important not to lose sight of your efforts to seek a fair compensation settlement from the at-fault driver. When stressed out and injured, it's easy to make some of the common mistakes below, so read on to learn more.

31 March 2017

3 Top Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer After A Car Accident


Being involved in a car accident can be a truly traumatic experience. If you have recently been involved in an accident that was not your fault, and if you were injured in that accident, consider these top reasons to hire an attorney to help with your case. 1. Let Someone Else Handle the Case First of all, after a car accident, you might have to worry about the insurance company calling you and asking you to make a statement, along with other things.

29 March 2017

The Importance Of The Residual Functional Capacity Form In Your Disability Case


Of all the documents you have to complete to apply for Social Security disability benefits, the residual functional capacity form might be the most important. The form helps to paint the picture about how your disability has impacted your ability to work. If you are applying for disability benefits, here is what you need to know about the form.   What Is the Residual Functional Capacity Form? The residual functional capacity form, or RFC, helps to determine what functions you can still do even though you have an impairment.

28 March 2017

Personal Injury - What To Do When Your Child Is Bit By A Neighbor's Dog


Many hospitals refer to the summer months as the trauma season. Everyone has been cooped up in the house for months. This results in adults and children spending more time outside. With more people outside, it creates the perfect situation for someone to be injured, such as getting bit by a dog. Hospital emergency rooms have thousands of visits from patients with dog bites, especially in the summer months. Read on to find out what to do when your child is bit by a neighbor's dog.

22 March 2017

What You Should Do If You Believe Your Doctor Made A Major Error In Your Childbirth Treatment?


Here in the United States as well as all around the world, women place a great deal of faith and trust in the doctors that treat them during pregnancy and delivery. If you have recently given birth, been through pre-natal or birth surgery, or the like and you believe that your doctor did not treat you properly or made a major error in your care, you may be wondering what your options are for dealing with that situation.

14 March 2017

A Few Conversations to Have With Your Personal Injury Lawyer


Injuries can occur during car accidents or even during work. No matter where the injury occurred, you may be eligible for legal help. Injuries can really take a toll on you and your family. In order for you to be protected it is often the best thing to look for legal help. An attorney is going to be able to represent you and your rights, and he or she could have a significant impact on the outcome of your case.

14 March 2017

Four Reasons To Hire A Car Accident Attorney


If you were involved in a car accident, it's not always cut and dry. For this reason, you should know in what specific situations it's best to hire a car accident attorney for your protection. Here are four situations when it's in your best interest to hire a lawyer: There Are Serious Injuries: If any serious injuries resulted from the car accident you were involved in, then you should definitely consider getting a car accident attorney involved.

9 March 2017

What Every Welder Working For A Defense Contract Needs To Know About Beryllium


If you are a welder and your employer landed a contract with the federal government to produce parts for nuclear weapon production, you will likely encounter beryllium—which can be highly toxic in your work environment. Here are several important things to be aware of regarding beryllium and how to protect your health and your rights to compensation should you get sick.  The properties of beryllium make it ideal for defense weapons

23 January 2017